
AsMA Scholarships

To submit an application for one or more scholarship, you must go to the AsMA Scholarships website, create an account, and complete the requirements specific to each scholarship.


Scholarships Available

  • Anita Mantri, PhD Memorial Travel Scholarship: offers a $1,000.00 travel stipend to students and residents for attending an aerospace medicine meeting of their choice. (Deadline - January 31 annually)
  • AsMA International Aerospace Medicine Scholarship: awards $1,000.00 to an international student. International students can use the scholarship to attend an appropriate aerospace medicine conference or to attend the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting. Individuals interested in applying for this scholarship should read the Scholarship Description and Eligibility Criteria document before completing the application form to ensure they are eligible for the scholarship. (Deadline: January 31 annually)
  • Jeffrey R. Davis, M.D., Aerospace Medicine Endowed Scholarship: awards $1,000.00 to a recipient. Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used to provide a scholarship for a domestic or international medical student, resident or fellow to attend aerospace medicine related courses offered by UTMB, the Aerospace Medical Association Annual Meeting or other national or international scientific meeting related to aerospace medicine. (Deadline - January 31 annually)
  • Philip J. Scarpa, Jr., M.D. Aerospace Medicine Endowed Scholarship: this scholarship of $1,000.00 is intended to support travel costs for an individual to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association. Preference is given to those with expressed financial need, first-time attendees to the meeting, and those early in their careers. Previous winners of an AsMA scholarship are ineligible for this scholarship. Support for aerospace medicine teaching and research is also possible if travel to the meeting does not exist (e.g., no planned annual meeting or in-person meetings become obsolete). (Deadline - January 31 annually)
  • Stanley R. Mohler, M.D., Aerospace Medicine Endowed Scholarship: this scholarship of $1,000.00 offered by AsMA's Foundation is intended to provide a training grant to help students and residents in aerospace medicine fund their studies or research activities. Full-time students and residents from any country are eligible, but priority will be given to those early in their careers and to those who are members of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) and the Aerospace Medical Association Student and Resident Organization (AMSRO). (Deadline - January 31 annually)
  • AsMA Fellows Scholarship: One of the stated purposes of the AsMA Foundation is "To provide scholarships for the purpose of underwriting, in whole or in part, the cost of registration fees, transportation, a meal per diem, or any other valid fees or expenses incurred by eligible students or residents in relation to their attendance at one or more scholarly meetings on topics related to aerospace medicine". The AsMA Foundation delegated to the AsMA Fellows Group the task to develop and administer a scholarship program to accomplish the previously stated purpose. Therefore, the AsMA Fellows Scholarship Committee (AsMA-FSC) was formed to establish the "AsMA Fellows Scholarship". The amount of this scholarship is currently set at $2,000 U.S. for the 1st Place and $1,000 for the 2nd Place and it is given annually to an AsMA member who is a student in an aerospace medicine residency program, graduate program in aerospace medicine (Masters or Ph.D.), medical certificate or aerospace diploma course, or in a full time education/training program in the allied fields of nursing, physiology, human factors, psychology, ergonomics, engineering, etc. Selection criteria include delivering a slide or poster presentation as a first author at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting and then publishing a manuscript as first author in Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance (AMHP) based on the same topic and/or material covered in the slide or poster presentation. The scholarship winner is selected among all the qualified applicants based on the highest scientific value, originality, quality and relevance of his/her AsMA presentation and AMHP manuscript related to the field of aerospace medicine (including allied scientific disciplines) as determined by the AsMA-FSC. Special consideration is given to those applicants who are at an early stage in their career development. The scholarship must be used for the purpose of underwriting, in whole or in part, the cost of registration fees, transportation, hotel accommodations, or any other valid fees or expenses incurred by the winner in relation to his/her attendance at one or more scholarly meetings on topics related to aerospace medicine.  A full description of this scholarship and an application form can be found here.  Application deadline is January 31.

Related Organizations Scholarships

  • AMSRO Trailblazer Scholarship (formerly the AMSRO Diversity Scholarship): Eligible Applicants: Enrolled medical or premedical students who are interested in the fields of aviation medicine and/or space medicine are encouraged to apply if they 1) identify as underrepresented or underserved minorities in medicine and/or aerospace medicine and other aviation- and spaceflight-focused activities, and 2) possess unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives that will enhance the overall diversity of the field of aerospace medicine. This scholarship aims to engage medical students and premeds (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or masters students who intend to apply to medical school) in a highly-specialized branch of clinical practice and, in turn, recruit future subspecialists who may have experienced limited opportunities in space and flight medicine; therefore, special consideration may be given to nonmembers who are new to AsMA and AMSRO.
    • AMSRO Trailblazer Scholarship Awardees Will Receive:
      • $1,000.00 to be used toward an approved aerospace medicine event
      • Waived 1-year student membership fee for the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA)
      • Waived student registration fee for the year’s AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting
      • Waived 1-year membership fee for the Aerospace Medicine Student and Resident Organization (AMSRO)
      • Tailored preprofessional mentorship through AMSRO
      • (Annual Deadline to Apply: March 1)
  • ANAHPS Eileen Hadbavny Scholarship: The Aerospace Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Society (ANAHPS) a constituent organization of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) announces the Eileen Hadbavny Nursing and Allied Health Professions Scholarship.This scholarship will be endowed in honor of the late Lt Col. Eileen Hadbavny, a retired Air Force Flight Nurse and Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association.
         The Hadbavny Scholarship of $500 will be available annually to a member of ANAHPS or a student in the nursing or allied health professions.The use of funds from this scholarship are intended to defray costs for registration, transportation, lodging or other fees incurred to attend the annual AsMA scientific meeting.The ANAHPS luncheon fee will be waived for the recipient of the scholarship. The Aerospace Medical Association will award the recipient a complimentary 1-Year membership.
         Eligible applicants: Must be a member of AsMA and ANAHPS or a student who is in an undergraduate or graduate program or working toward a Certification in a nursing or allied health professions specialty. (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • ANAHPS Louise Marshall Nursing Scholarship: The Aerospace Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Society (ANAHPS), a constituent organization of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA), announces the Louise Marshall Nursing Scholarship.This scholarship was initially endowed by the late Louise Marshall, a retired Air Force Flight Nurse and member of the Aerospace Medical Association.
         The Marshall Scholarship of $1000.00 will be awarded annually to a member of the Aerospace Nursing and Allied Health Professional Society or relative of an ANAHPS member who is pursuing a career or advanced education in the field of nursing.The use of funds from this scholarship is not restricted to academic fees and books and could be used for childcare, transportation, or other fees incurred while pursuing studies in nursing. The Aerospace Medical Association will award the recipient a complimentary 1-Year membership.
         Eligible applicants: Must be a member of AsMA and ANAHPS or a relative of an AsMA/ ANAHPS member who is in an undergraduate or graduate nursing program or working toward a Certification in a nursing specialty.For those pursuing specialty certification, the scholarship application can be done prior to completion, but if selected, the scholarship monies will be awarded only after successful completion of examination within one year of application. This scholarship will not be awarded for continuing education to maintain certification already received. (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • ASAMS/AMSRO Charles A. Berry Memorial Scholarship: The American Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists (ASAMS) and the Aerospace Medicine Student and Resident Organization (AMSRO) are pleased to announce an opportunity to apply for the Charles A. Berry Memrorial Scholarship. The Charles A. Berry Memorial Scholarship was established to support U.S.-based students with an interest in pursuing a career in aerospace medicine.
    • Offers a $500.00 (U.S.) scholarship to students who are in good academic standing and enrolled full time in a medical or graduate school.
    • Applicants must be a U.S. citizen.               
    • Deadline - March 1 annually
  • International Association of Military Flight Surgeon Pilots (IAMFSP) Scholarship: offers a $500.00 (U.S.) scholarship available to a student in the medical sciences for the purpose of defraying the cost of attending the AsMA Scientific Meeting. Eligible students include Masters or Doctorate candidates in the medical sciences. Candidates must include a letter of intent describing their interest in the scholarship and why they would be the best candidate (250 words or less). School status and interest in aerospace medicine/human flight performance/pilot-physician issues must be included. The scholarship is presented in person at the IAMFSP business meeting during the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting. If the primary selectee is not able to attend the AsMA meeting, the scholarship passes to an alternate who is attending. (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • Space Medicine Association Undergraduate Scholarship: this $750 scholarship is offered to undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic achievement and have shown an interest in Space Biology and Space Medical Operations (e.g., biomedical engineering, space flight physiology, pharmacy, human factors research, nursing, psychology, safety, life sciences, etc.) (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • Space Medicine Association International Scholarship: this $750 scholarship is offered to undergraduate, graduate, medical residents, and post-doctoral researchers residing outside of the United States who have demonstrated academic achievement and have shown an interest in Space Biology and Space Medical Operations (e.g., biomedical engineering, space flight physiology, pharmacy, human factors research, nursing, psychology, safety, life sciences, etc.). International applicants may also apply for any of the other SMA scholarships appropriate to their level of training. If selected, only one scholarship will be awarded. (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • Space Medicine Association (SMA) Medical & Graduate Education Scholarship sponsored by Dr. Jeffrey R. Davis: this $500 scholarship is offered to students in medical or graduate school who have demonstrated academic achievement and shown an interest in Space Biology and Space Medical Operations (e.g., biomedical engineering, space flight physiology, pharmacy, human factors research, nursing, psychology, safety, life sciences, etc.). (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • Space Medicine Association (SMA) Medical Resident & Post-Doctorate Scholarship sponsored by KBR in honor of Robert Ellis: this $500 scholarship is offered to medical residents (aerospace medicine and other programs) and post-doctoral researchers who have demonstrated academic achievement and have shown an interest in Space Biology and Space Medical Operations (e.g., biomedical engineering, space flight physiology, pharmacy, human factors research, nursing, psychology, safety, life sciences, etc.) (Deadline - March 1 annually)
  • Space Medicine Association (SMA) John B. Charles Research Scholarship: this $500 scholarship is offered to a student (undergraduate or graduate) who has demonstrated human life science research achievement and has shown an interest in human life sciences research for human spaceflight. The scholarship is open to a student enrolled full-time in college who is in good academic standing. (Deadline - March 1 annually)

Outside Organization Scholarships

  • International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine (IAASM): the aim of this scholarship program is to enable young physicians who are starting on a career in aerospace medicine to either attend a formal course of instruction in aerospace medicine or to work in a recognized aerospace medicine training or research institute for instruction, and for research experience in the discipline. This scholarship is for $20,000 U.S. For more information or to apply, please see the IAASM website, where a copy of the Scholarship Application Form is available in either English or French. Deadline is usually around June 30.
  • Gregory M. Shaskan, M.D., Aerospace Medicine Education Scholarship: The Shaskan Endowment was established to honor Dr. Shaskan and his passion for the field of aerospace medicine. This scholarship will be used towards aerospace medicine education at the University of Texas Medical Branch to attend the Principles of Aviation and Space Medicine short course in July annually. The Shaskan Scholarship is a vital tool in our efforts to train tomorrow’s aerospace medicine physicians, preparing them to play essential roles in the human element of space exploration. For additional information and an application, please contact the UTMB Aerospace Medicine Residency at [email protected] / (409) 772-5845.