The Aerospace Medical Association is governed by the Council (updated July 2023), composed of elected officers, elected members at large, and representatives from Constituent Organizations. The on-going business of the Association is under the direction of the Executive Committee.
The Aerospace Medical Association is governed by a set of rules and policies known as the Bylaws. The
Bylaws of the Aerospace Medical Association are approved by the Association membership.
policIES and procedures manual
The Aerospace Medical Association Policies and Procedures Manual is intended for the use of Aerospace Medical Association (Association) members and any other parties interested in a concise, current and complete guide to the organizational policies and operational procedures of the Association.
The organizational policies referred to in this manual do not include Association positions on legislative, regulatory or scientific matters: the organizational policies are intended to define the Association’s intent. Association operational procedures are intended to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the Association and facilitate its development of positions pertaining to questions of aerospace medicine and human performance generally.