2024-2025 Aerospace
Medical Association Council
President: Robert Orford, M.D., M.S., M.P.H. Term expires 2025)
President-Elect: Warren Silberman, D.O. (Term expires 2025 – becomes President)
Immediate Past President: Joseph P. Dervay, M.D., M.P.H., MMS (Term expires 2025)
Vice President, Education & Research: Fred Bonato, Ph.D.
Vice President, International Services: Rowena Christiansen, M.Eng.Health, M.B.A.,
M.B.B.S., B.A.(Hons.)
Vice President, Member Services: Susan Fondy, M.D., M.P.H.
Vice President, Representation & Advocacy: Anthony Wagstaff, MBChB, D.Av.Med.
Secretary: J. Karen Klingenberger, M.D., M.P.H.
Treasurer: Casey Pruett, M.S.
Members-at-Large (Term expires 2025)
- Ilaria Cinelli, Ph.D.
- W. Brent Klein, M.D., M.P.H.
- Peter Lee, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S.
- Winton Laslie, M.D., M.P.H.
Members-at-Large (Term expires 2026)
- Denise Baisden, M.D.
- Diego Garcia, M.D.
- Kathy Hughes, M.D., M.P.H.
- Daniel Van Syoc, M.D., M.P.H.
Members-at-Large (Term expires 2027)
- Bonnie Posselt, B.Sc., MBChB (E), Ph.D., MRCP, D.Av.Med., ARAeS, FAsMA
- Annette Sobel, M.D.
- Roy Allen Hoffman, M.D., MPH
- Thomas Hoffman, D.O., MBA
Constituent Organizations Representatives
- Aerospace Human Factors Association – Brian Musselman, Ph.D.
- Aerospace Nursing & Allied Health Professionals Association – Tamara Averett-Brauer, MN, BSN
- Aerospace Physiology Society – Amanda Lippert, M.S., M.S.Ed/Constance Ramsburg, Pres.
- American Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists – Patrick Birchfield, D.O., MPH
- International Airline Medical Association – Gordon S. Landsman, M.D./Rui Pombal, Pres.
- International Association of Military Flight Surgeon Pilots – W. David Smith, M.D., MPH
- Life Sciences and Biomedical Engineering Branch – Marc Shepanek, Ph.D./Emmanuel Urquieta, M.D., MS, Pres.
- Society of NASA Flight Surgeons – Moriah Thompson, M.D., MPH
- Society of U.S. Air Force Flight Surgeons – Tory Woodard, M.D., MPH
- Society of U.S. Army Flight Surgeons – Erik Johnson, D.O., MPH
- Society of U.S. Naval Flight Surgeons – Daniel Monlux, M.D., MPH
- Space Medicine Association – Andrea Hanson, Ph.D.
- Space Surgery Association - Arthur Formanek, M.D.
Associate Fellows Group Representative: Joseph Britton, M.D.
Fellows Group Representative: Daniel VanSyoc, M.D., MPH
Aerospace Medical Student/Resident Organization Representative: Ben Johnson, M.D.
American Medical Association Delegate: Hernando “Joe” Ortega, Jr, M.D., MPH
American Osteopathic Association Delegate: Warren Silberman, D.O.
Journal Editor-in-Chief: David Newman, MBA, Ph.D. (
ex officio without a vote)
AsMA Parliamentarian: James DeVoll, M.D., MPH (
ex officio without a vote)
Executive Director: Jeffrey C. Sventek, MS, CAsP (
ex officio without a vote)