Aerospace Human Factors

Aerospace Human Factors

The field of aerospace human factors envelopes the principles of engineering and psychology in order to evaluate flight systems and how they interact with the pilot. These specialists are involved in the analysis and design of flight displays, ejection systems, etc., as well as the study of factors affecting aviator performance. Thus, such factors as task overload and fatigue which may lead to human error in the cockpit and flight deck are of particular interest to the human factors specialist. These issues are of primary concern for space agencies, civil aviation regulatory agencies, military researchers, aircraft manufacturers, and many private companies dedicated to the design of aerospace interfaces and systems for peak performance and safety.

Reflecting the variety of skills necessary to evaluate aerospace systems, human factors specialists secure their necessary formal educational tools from many disciplines. International Space Station medical diagnostic equipment, upgrades in air traffic control systems, and airbus passenger capacity augmentations require contributions from several engineering disciplines ranging in focus from biology to computers. Evaluation of these systems and human performance mandates the participation of psychologists familiar with aerospace environments. Thus, aerospace human factors specialists generally train on a graduate and/or doctoral level in related areas of biomedical engineering, human factors, and psychology. Additional certification beyond degrees granted by accredited universities is not required for work in this exciting field.

Additional Information

Aerospace Human Factors Association
   Aerospace Human Factors Association Facebook page

American Psychological Association

Human Factors & Ergonomics Society

Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments