Presentations from the 94th Annual Scientific Meeting - Chicago, IL
All paid registrants will receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files will be streamable or downloadable. Non-registrants can purchase access by visiting
Lectures from the 93rd Annual Scientific Meeting - New Orleans, LA
All paid registrants will receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files will be streamable or downloadable. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations by visiting You may view the lectures for the years listed below by selecting the link associated with the title of the lectures.

68th Louis H. Bauer Lecture
Chris Rocheleau, Chief Operating Officer, National Business Aviation Association
"International Aviation and COVID-19 - Response and Recovery"
Dr. Ansa Jordaan, Chief, Aviation Medicine Section, International Civil Aviation Organization
"Civil Aerospace Medicine in the Future - Key Issues to be Addressed"

Aashni Shah - Caddo Parish Magnet High School, Shreveport, LA - Grade 10 - 1st Place - Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair
"How Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs) Can Be Used to Bioengineer an Essential Organ - The Kidney"

Susanna Chiruguru - LaGrange High School, Lake Charles, LA - Grade 10 - 1st Place - Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair
"Preserving Aquatic Life from the Harmful Effects of Ocean Acidification"
Presentations from the 92nd (Joint AsMA/UHMS) Annual Scientific Meeting - Reno, NV
All paid registrants will receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files will be streamable or downloadable. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations by visiting for the AsMA scientific sessions and for the UHMS scientific sessions.

67th Louis H. Bauer Lecture: Dr. Michael A. Berry - "Historical Issues in U.S. Aerospace Medicine: What did we know? When did we know it? Could we have Predicted it?"

UHMS Eric P. Kindwall Memorial Lecture: Dr. Lindell K. Weaver - "Decision Making for Hyperbaric Oxygen for Brain Injury"

8th Eugen Reinartz Memorial Panel: Dr. Joseph Dervay, Dr. Jonathan Clark, Dr. Richard Moon, Dr. Michael Gernhardt, Dr. Jay Dean - "Overcoming Barriers on the Pressure Spectrum: From the Past to the Future"

UHMS Christian J. Lambertsen Memorial Lecture: Dr. Robert W. Sanders - "Undersea Medicine is Out of this World! - Hyperbaric Medical Support at NASA's Neutral Buoyancy Lab"

56th Harry G. Armstrong Lecture: Dr. Melchor Antunano - "Medical & Human Factors Challenges of New Aerospace Transportation Systems"
Presentations from the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting - Denver, CO
All paid registrants will receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files will be streamable or downloadable. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations by visiting
66th Louis H. Bauer Lecture: Major General (Dr.) Paul Friedrichs, "The Urgency of Doing."
7th Eugen Reinartz Memorial Lecture: Dr. Anthony Wagstaff, "The Feedback Loop of Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance."
55th Harry G. Armstrong Lecture: US Astronaut (Dr.) Serena Aunon-Chancellor, "The Future of Science in Low Earth Orbit"
Presentations from the 90th Annual Scientific Meeting - Las Vegas, NV
All paid registrants receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files can be streamed or downloaded. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations and paid registrants can upgrade to a thumb drive containing all presentations by visiting
65th Bauer Lecture: Johann-Dietrich "Jan" Wörner, European Space Agency Director General; "Human Exploration...and its Consequences."
6th Reinartz Lecture: Professor Doctor Floris Wuyts, PhD, Faculty of Sciences, Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium; "The Impact of Microgravity and Hypergravity on the Human Brain Studied with Advanced MRI Methods."
54th Armstrong Lecture: Adriaan Heerbaart, Eurocontrol Director of theCentral Route Charges Office, Finance and Central IT Directorate (CFI); "Navigating the European Skies: Money Makes the World Fly Safer!"
Apollo 11 Panel: There was an introductory 15-minute video followed by a panel discusssion celebrating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the lunar landing with Mike Barratt, Bill Carpentier, Gerlad Griffin, and Milt Heflin.
Presentations from the 89th Annual Scientific Meeting - Dallas, TX
All paid registrants receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files can be streamed or downloaded. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations and paid registrants can upgrade to a thumb drive containing all presentations by visiting
64th Bauer Lecture: Morgan Sandercock, Airbus Perlan II Project; "High Altitude Physiology Without an Engine."
5th Reinartz Lecture: Ronald Przygodzki, M.D., Director, Genomic Medicine Implementation, Office of Research and Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC, and Associate Adjunct Professor of Pathology, The George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC; "Genomic Medicine: What, How, and Where?"
53rd Armstrong Lecture: John Charles, Ph.D., Chief Scientist of the NASA Human Research Program; "From Here to Mars: How the Twins Study and the Year-Long ISS Missions Have Moves Us Closer to the Red Planet."
Presentations from the 88th Annual Scientific Meeting - Denver, CO
All paid registrants receive complimentary online access to the scientific session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synched with presentation slides. All files can be streamed or downloaded. Non-registrants can purchase access to the presentations and paid registrants can upgrade to a thumb drive containing all presentations by visiting
63rd Louis H. Bauer Lecture; "N = 1: Medical Debrief on an ISS Expedition"; Dr. Michael R. Barratt
4th Eugen Reinartz Memorial Lecture; "Have Flight Surgeons and Aerospace Medicine Made Aviation Safer?"; Dr. Michael A. Berry
52nd Harry G. Armstrong Lecture; "Extremes: The Fastest Century"; Dr. Kevin Fong
Presentations from the 87th Annual Scientific Meeting - Atlantic City, NJ
New this year! All paid registrants should have received complimentary online access to session recordings. Online content includes speaker audio synced with Presentations along with MP3 audio files. All files can be streamed or downloaded. To purchase the proceedings, please visit
Presentations from the 86th Annual Scientific Meeting - Orlando, FL
Proceedings from the 86th Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando, FL, can be purchased from Intelliquest through the link above.
Presentations from the 85th Annual Scientific Meeting - San Diego, CA
Proceedings from the meeting in San Diego, CA. These can be purchased from Intelliquest through the link above.
60th Louis H. Bauer Lecture - Lt. Gen. Thomas Travis, USAF, MC, Surgeon General of the U.S. Air Force, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, DC, presented the 60th Louis H. Bauer Lecture titled "From Health Care to Health and Performance—A Vision for the Future of Military Medicine."
1st Eugen G. Reinartz Memorial Lecture - Dr. John B. West, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Physiology, University of California San Diego School of Medicine, presented the inaugural Eugen G. Reinartz Memorial Lecture titled "Human Physiology in Three Challenging Environments."
49th Harry G. Armstrong Lecture - Professor Michael Bagshaw, MB, BCh, MRCS, FFOM, DAvMed, DFFP, FRAeS, Visiting Professor of Aviation Medicine, King's College London and Cranfield University, presented the 49th Harry G. Armstrong Lecture titled "The Cabin Environment and Aircrew Performance."