Managing In-Flight Medical Events

medical emergencies:  managing in-flight medical events (guidance material for health professionals)

Publications concerning in-flight medical events that result in in-flight treatment and diversions have appeared in the lay and scientific literature. Several have been based on one event, or on data from one or two airlines, and consequently may draw conclusions that are not necessarily applicable throughout the industry. This guidance document has been developed primarily for medical practitioners who volunteer to provide assistance on board and for those who wish to understand the background to airline provision of on-board first aid and medical care. This document considers: what are "in-flight medical events" and how often they occur; on-board medical supplies; cabin crew training; automated external defibrillators, and legal aspects. A checklist is provided for medical professionals called to provide assistance during an in-flight event.

2019 Report to FAA with Recommendations to Update Medical Kits on Passenger Aircraft

In the spring of 2019, the AsMA Air Transport Medicine Committee was tasked to review the contents of First Aid Kits and Emergency Medical Kits as required by Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 121, Section 121.803 and Part 121, Appendix A. This review was requested by the US Federal Air Surgeon as a result of requirements directed by Public Law 115-254 (FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018), Section 307. The committee coordinated this review with the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure pediatric requirements were included in the recommendations made to the US Federal Air Surgeon. The AsMA Air Transport Medicine final report includes recommended changes to the medical kits' contents, including new recommendations for contents in support of pediatric medical events onboard passenger aircraft. The final AsMA Air Transport Medicine report can be read here.